National Museum of American History Blog Article

"Many Tulsa Massacres: How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence" by Christy Clark-Pujara and Anna-Lisa Cox, posted August 25, 2020, and requested for republication by the Smithsonian Magazine, where it was posted on their website on August 27th. Within 24 hours it became one of their top ten viewed essays.

New York Times Opinion Piece

"When Anti-Immigration Meant Keeping Out Black Pioneers." In the 1850s, Midwestern states used harsh laws to deny free African-Americans wealth and property.

Invitational Piece for the National Park Service - for the 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment

Series: The 15th and 19th Amendments go Underground: The Antislavery Movement and Voting Rights. "Liberty and Equality shall embrace each other:" Free African Americans Before the Civil War Who Made the 15th Amendment Possible.

Washington Post's "Made By History" Op Ed

The Washington Post asked me to write this Op Ed for Juneteenth. I was so glad to have the opportunity to write about some of the important women and men whose lives have gone uncelebrated for so long, but whose actions transformed this nation.

Lapham's Quarterly Piece

Ever want to know about Johnny Appleseed's connection to African Americans? Find out in this piece I was asked to write by Lapham's Quarterly.

History News Network Essay

Find out more about the African Americans who risked their lives running secret routes of the Underground Railroad.

The Root

Anna-Lisa's piece "The Influence Freed Slaves May Have Had on the Boy Abraham Lincoln"


Anna-Lisa Cox Facebook page